The ?ferry? cost something absurdly cheap (like 20 bmetica/b for 4 people, which is 5 each, which is less than 1 rand which is about 15 US cents) and it was a little, sort of/extremely not sturdy boat filled with people. We went across in search of a ... This also meant I looked like Quasimodo for about 3 days following. Karma for skipping work to go to paradise? Maybe but I'll take it. dreaming of more bvacation/b in the middle of a work week.... Ivy. Posted by Ivy at 8:05 AM ...
... la spiaggia di Punta Sabbioni; si sarebbero presentati con il progetto per una darsena per yacht di lusso e un bhotel/b a cinque stelle, con tanto di studi sulle possibilit? lavorative e l'indotto che gioverebbe alla localit? . b...../b ( invece di balocchi): non vogliamo piú schole (invece di non vogliamo piú scuole): abbasso Larin bMetica/b (invece di l'aritmetica) e altri fiori consimili. Da ?Le avvuenture di Pinocchio?, di Carlo Lorenzini Testo originale (I° ediz. 1883) ...
Aretha bMetica/b wrote on Aug 4, 2008 5:40 AM: " The math...on an average day, with 1122 absences, the district stands to loose $16000. If that is a daily average and there are 180 instructional days, then the district stands to loose in ... Both the whining and the state mandates are rooted in the erroneous notion that tourism / bvacations/b are apparently better in June than in August. Newsflash: Six Flags and Padre are open in August! How simple it would be if the district ...